Saturday, February 25, 2017

Let's Talk About Sex

In the LDS community sex is not something that is talked about. It is hushed and taboo to talk about. The one time that it is talked about is only to tell the youth not to participate until after they are lawfully married to Mr. Right. As I have grown up in this community I have discovered that this way to address the subject causes more problems than helping. When a person is told not to do something they instantly want to do what they were just told not to. A common problem with this method teaching is that as young women get married they don't know what to expect on their wedding night. Young men get curious and look to other sources for learning about sex. This can lead to a pornography issue and the wrong image of what sex is.
Sex is beautiful thing that can bring two people together emotionally and physically. It is a magical and divine way to bring innocent children into the world. I personally feel that if the LDS community were aware of the resources available to them, and were open and taught about sex in a way that not only expressed its divine origins but also the importance of waiting to participate until after you are lawfully married and emotionally committed to a another person.
I grew up not knowing what sex was. It wasn't until I came to college, met new people, and took a class about the family that I began to understand that sex is a beautiful and divine thing. Sex is not bad and it should not be kept so secret. We need to be teaching the young men and women the proper definition of what sex is and how divine and sacred it is.
Here is the link to the LDS resources available to help parents teach their children about sex and intimacy at different levels of development. I have hope that this message was helpful and that these resources will help us understand that sex is not bad and that it is beautiful and divine.

1 comment:

  1. You hit the nail on the head! I agree that it should be spoken of more often. Kids and teens will naturally be curious so it's good to teach them about its divinity. I know multiple women who still struggle with sex after marriage because it was drilled into them as something wrong for so long so they feel guilty and sinful even though they are married. Proper education is the key!
