Thursday, March 2, 2017

Stress and Crisis in the Home

As a young college student, I am not a stranger to the effects of stress. Many of my experiences with stress began long before I have even begun thinking about college life. The most stressful moments of my life occurred within the solid walls of my childhood home. As a child, I did not understand that these crucial events were not only stressful for me, but for my entire family. Each and every one of us struggled through the situation, and every single one of us learned something after the stress was relieved.
There are some stressful events in life that are far worse than others. Cancer, death, divorce, disappointment, natural disasters are all just a few of any number of things that can occur in a home. Every family will experience a difficult and stressful crisis of some sort. Some families will only have minor events other will have several major stressful events occur.  The key is to work through these stressful times together.
It doesn't matter what the situation is, a strong and healthy family with a solid foundation and support system can conquer any challenge and stressful event that occurs.
In my own personal life and family, I have experienced many stressful events. We, sadly, were not as strong as these events, and our family was severely damaged. The relationships that could have been strengthened during these times were torn apart as roles changed.
My dad was removed from the picture altogether and my mom took on the role as an absent provider. My sister stepped up and took on the role as a parent and the rest of us fell in line. We quickly learned where we each stood and how we were expected to behave.
As I reflect and look back at how my life has been shaped, I don't want anything to change. I am the person that I am today because of the outlook that I had during these hard times. The hard times will end, it will get better and hopefully, we will see them as learning experiences that can bring us together rather than tear us apart.
When disaster strikes, lean on each other for support. Look to friends and family that can help. Become closer, work together, and love deeper. Remember, the situation will not last forever and it all depends on how you look at it.

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