Saturday, March 18, 2017


I did not have the privilege of growing up with a father in my home. I did have father figures and the knowledge of what a father should be like. There have been several studies that have shown those who grow up without a father in the home tend to be more likely to participate in drug, premarital sex, and crime.
I may not know what it is like to have a father who is active in my life, but I am lucky enough to have a fiance who wants nothing more than to be involved in the lives of our future children. This brings me great joy. My greatest desire in life is to be a mom with a good man by my side being a good dad. There is magic in a family that can not be found anywhere else in this world. I truly believe that this magic comes from the father who is active in his family duties and spending quality time with his children. My family lacked this special feeling and it is my theory that it is because our father was not involved. Not having our father caused our roles to significantly change. My mother took on the role of sole provider and each of us kids had responsibilities that children don't normally have.
I was lucky to have friends with good dads and with cousins who married fantastic guys who have become amazing dads that I have been able to spend time with. This one, in particular, has become so involved in my life that my fiance talked to him before popping the question.
All the talk lately has been about how important stay at home moms are but we have ignored the importance and results of having an involved father. This day and age is filled with all different kinds of distractions. My wonderful fiance told me once that he never wants to be too tired or busy to play with his future kids. He doesn't want to be the kind of dad that comes home from work and goes straight to the TV or video games. My life would be drastically different if my father had been the way my fiance wishes to be.
Involved parents can change the world by teaching their kids what it means to create memories and appreciate the lessons that are taught in the home. There is only so much that can be taught at school or church. The most important lessons that we can teach our kids are taught in the home.

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