Friday, March 31, 2017

Blended Familes

As someone who has experience with blending families, I can tell you that it sucks. It is hard, inconvenient, and in my case, unwelcome. The transition from being two individual families to one big family is painful. However, just because my experience with blending a family was not pleasant, doesn't mean that all experiences will be unpleasant. There are moments when this union of families can be beautiful and bring peace and well deserved happiness to the two parties. It can help the children involved to learn how to build meaningful relationships and that family is not always who you are related to by blood. I learned this lesson while experiencing the heart breaking moments when my family decided to blend with another, That experience changed me forever. I will never forget the brothers that I gained and the parts of me that I lost. Successful blended families are unique and contain a certain kind of magic that can only be found within the bonds of two families that came together. Human beings are interesting and peculiar. Each of us act and live in individual lives that are so individual that it seems nearly impossible to blend two of them together. Blending families that have already set their lives and created a comfortable way to live is even more challenging then entwining two lives together. The fact that two families can come together to create new life is simply describable. We live in a world that needs to be more considerate to all of the many different types of family life and living.

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