Thursday, February 2, 2017

Finding Acceptance For Those Who Are Different

 In light of the events that have occurred recently in the world, I feel that as a human race, it would be beneficial for us to all be more accepting and respectful of those who lead their lives differently than ours. There are so many people out there who struggle with not being accepted, respected, and loved by those they encounter because they are different. I have personally felt this way in my life because I did not live the same kind of life my peers did. I didn't have both parents in the home. I didn't play sports or go to parties. Instead, I stayed home and bonded with my brothers and sisters. I learned how to cook and clean and become an independent person. Even now, as I am feeling the effects of my childhood, I am aware that I am different than others, but I am okay with it. Now that I know who I am, that I am not ever going to be like everyone else, and where I want to go, I can love and get to know others. Accepting and understanding who you are is the beginning to accepting and understanding those around us.

It is not uncommon in the world that we live in today for people to shy away from what they are not familiar with or to even act hostile or aggressive to something that it different. I was lucky enough to experience the joys of discovering many different lifestyles and ways of living. I learned many things form attending a summer camp filled with kids with cancer. I learned that cancer doesn't discriminate. There were so many different types of people and lifestyles that came together for one purpose. It is beautiful. The biggest question that I have now, is "Why can't we all just get along?" The world is filled with all kinds of different people living in different ways. If we were to simply get the idea that there is only one way to do things out of our heads, we could learn and experience so much. So what if your neighbor is a single mom with five crazy kids or if your co-worker is from another country and likes to have loud family gatherings. Take a moment to get to know and accept them, help them, and love them. I am not saying that you have to start living the way they do, but, instead, don't be judgmental towards them. I have found that as I have chosen to love everyone regardless of race, religion, or sexual preference, I have come to learn new things about myself and the magic that comes from loving another without judgment. As Christ has said, "love your neighbor as I have loved you" (John 15:12). It doesn't matter whether you are religious person or not, you can be a decent human being and love all those you meet. You never know what others are going through, so be kind and love everyone always, including yourself. 

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