Monday, January 30, 2017

Mothers and Sacrifice

 As long as I can remember, all that I have wanted to do is be a mom. Even though I am not a mother yet, I am starting to realize what it means to be a mom. I have learned that it takes a great deal of sacrifice not just of your time, but of yourself, your energy, pretty much everything that you can imagine. I have a pretty awesome example of what it means to be a mom. My mom had it rough. From what I can imagine, it is not easy raising five young kids by yourself. I am sure that things become even more difficult when you throw in terminal illnesses, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. My mother sacrificed her time spent at home so that the five of us kids could have what we needed.
This way of life and upbringing is not ideal. It is probably the reason why each of us is the way that we are. We all lack some social skills, but we know how to make Ramen Noodles taste amazing. We may not have strong bonds outside of our family, but we know, without fail, who we can call upon in times of trouble and desperate need. The bonds that we formed during these hard times, will stay with us forever. Each family has their own dynamic and culture. Mine was not the ideal, but I learned so much from it. I learned who I can rely on, who I want to be, and what kind of future that I am willing to work for and what I am passionate about.
Regardless of the circumstances you grow up in or are currently living in, you are the only one that can determine your happiness. Only you can choose how you are going to act in this life. There are both good and bad sides to every situation. It all depends on how you look at it and what you are open to learning from it.

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