Saturday, February 18, 2017


Life is full of moments that require you to transition from one point to another. The most recent one that I experienced was form a high school student living at home, to a college student living on my own. This was a huge transition for me . I suddenly had all these bills I had to pay, I had to learn how to set up appointments on my own and learn how to cook a healthy meal for under $5. Not to mention how to budget, pay taxes, fix my car, and so many other things that my generation calls "adulting." I have managed to make it through this transition as a fully functioning and responsible adult. I learned and I grew.
I am however not done. I am starting to transition into another phase of my life and I am terrified. I am preparing to get married. From what I have gathered, married life is far different from living as a single person. my friends and family have been a great help by giving me advice on how to live with and take care of another person. I no longer have myself to worry about. Although I am terrified, I know that I am capable of transitioning into married life. I have a wonderful circle of influence filled with people I love and who love me.
Transitioning can be scary but, in my experience, they bring more life, light, and knowledge to our lives.  I am excited to start this new phase of my life with my best friend.

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