Sunday, March 11, 2018

Keeping to ourselves while being kind

In the 1st of Thessalonians, we are taught that we shouldn't worry about what those around us are doing with their lives. What we should be doing, is leading good and faithful lives of our own while being kind to our fellow man. This does have a catch though. If we know of someone who is causing harm to another living being, such as abusing an animal or child, then we need to speak up, but if your neighbor plays video games on Sunday when you don't, leave it be. Don't chastise your neighbor for practicing their agency.
We live in a world that is filled with hate and offense so much so that I feel that we need to strive and put in an insane amount of effort to just be nice to people and to mind our own business. Despite the popular belief of the political and social worlds, it is possible to keep to ourselves while being nice to others. 
Although I am a practicing member of the LDS church, I do not believe that I am better than anyone else and I definitely don't think that hating those who do not believe or live the way we do is appropriate. I can love and be kind to those who do not share the same values and lifestyle as I do. 

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