Sunday, March 18, 2018

Being Made Weak So We Made Be Made Strong

In the 2nd book of Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 it mentions that we will be given weakness so that we can be made strong. This is a topic that I feel many people struggle with including myself. When bad things happen and our faith is tested, we often ask "why me?" As a result of personal experience, I have found that we are given challenges and bad things, so that we may come out the other side a stronger and better person. So instead of cursing God and asking "why me" ask, "what am I supposed to learn from this?" or "who am I supposed to come?"
A crisis of faith is often a subject of movies and television shows to show the progression of characters. It is also know as the hero cycle. The hero, or main character, is living it up. They are a perfect life where everything is good. Until, everything comes crashing down and they are humbled or shunned and have to leave their home. Then comes the quest to return home and show who they really are. We are all the heroes of our own story. When life gets us down and our perfect world has crumbled before us, remember, Simba ate bugs, Hercules was bullied, and even Iron Man once relied on a car battery to keep his heart from being sliced by the shrapnel that his company created. We are all on our own journey to finding who we are and who we are meant to be. 

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