Thursday, June 1, 2017

Why Marriage?

In the world that we live in today, the rates for marriage have decreased and the rates for cohabitation have increased. As I am preparing to get married, I have had many thoughts and questions as to why I am getting married. I am young, still in college, and work part time folding clothes. Most people would suggest that I finish school and get settled into a career before tying the knot. Why am going to tie myself to a man and let him take care of me? Well, I believe that marriage and not just cohabitation is essential to having a high level of satisfaction. It has been proven time after time, that those who marry are more likely to have a higher level of satisfaction versus those who cohabitate. The main reason why I have decided to marry is that I can't have the things that I want in life without a faithful and committed partner by my side. I can't be a stay at home mom without a dedicated husband who is willing to work hard for us. I can't be a loving and supportive wife without being married. I recently wrote a paper on the effects of cohabitation, and in my research, I discovered that those who cohabit before marriage are far more likely to divorce later on than those who marry before living together. This is ironic because the main reason why couples cohabit is to avoid divorce. I am very excited to get married and start my life with the man I love.

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