Saturday, June 10, 2017

What do you Believe?

The world that we live in today is filled with so much hate and destruction, that it has become a war zone. Only the battles that we fight are not fought on the traditional front line. Instead, our front line is our everyday lives. Every single day that we live, we fight for the things that we believe in, that we live by, and what define us as human. What does it mean to be human? Some say that it means that we make mistakes and are not perfect, although this is true, it is not what I believe being human means. Earlier this week I went to my local drive-in theater to watch the new Wonder Woman movie. Although I slept through part of it, I did catch the end. The last 10-20 minutes taught me a very powerful lesson. I learned that being human means to love without fail and without reason. As the final battle is coming to its end, a quote is shared that goes along the lines of "it does not matter what they deserve, it's about what you believe. And I believe in love. Only love will truly save the world." The world is only going to get worse unless we replace hate with love. Once we start to love those who are rude to us or do us wrong, the world will start to become a better place.
From my experience with the world today, most people don't understand that there is more to love than just the frilly, romantic kind. We can love everyone around us and not be in love with them. One of the first commandments that was given by Jesus Christ was to "love one another" I feel that this great commandment has been lost from the teachings of today.
I never expected to have a life lesson be given to me by a superhero movie, but I feel this is why this movie received such high ratings. It was something that had never been done before and taught a lesson that had once been lost.
I have tried several times to teach those that care about that they can be kind and loving to those that are rude to them. I hope that with this movie, this lesson will be spread and understood more fully.
This song plays during the closing credits of Wonder Woman. I feel that it perfectly sums up the lesson that I found in this movie. It is my hope that we can start to spread love instead of hate.

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