Wednesday, April 4, 2018

All you need to do is ASK

In my studies this week, I came across the well-known scripture found in James chapter 1 verse 5. This scripture really stood out to me in that it doesn't matter who we are or where we came from, we could be the president, king, or average Joe and still this scripture applies to us. If there is anything that we desire to know, all we need to do is ask in a polite and sincere manner.
This principle applies to more than just gospel or religious knowledge. If you want to know how someone got injured or how they acquired the cool scar on their arms, all you have to do is ask politely and most of the time they will tell you what you seek. It all depends on how we are asking for the desired information. When we inquire with respect for the other person we are showing them that we are curious and not judgmental or rude.
How we ask the simple questions in life can determine how we respond to the answers that we are given.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

I am a Child of God

This week was a special one. It was filled with family, General Conference, and a celebration of the resurrection of Christ.  As I was studying this week I learned that we need to not be taking the simple things for granted. There is so much knowledge and peace that can from the simple things that we are taught. Scripture study, prayer, and remembering our Savior at all times are all primary answers, but they are the best way for us to gain our testimonies and for us to know who we really are. In General Conference, I learned that we need to be removing the distractions from our lives and focus on the things that we have been counseled to do. The primary answers of reading scripture and saying or prayers are the easiest way for us to know who we are and to truly appreciate what we have been given. It is my hope that as we continue on the path of life that we can all remember that we are all children of God and to not take the little things for granted.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Families are central to the Lord's Plan

In my studies this week, I was reminded of the importance of the family. In every book of scripture that I have read, the family is mentioned and expected. I feel that one of the downfalls of this world is the lack of support for traditional families. Family roles have been blended, and the world no longer sees men and women as different. There is a lot of pressure for women to go out and have crazy amazing careers and those who don't want that, are looked down upon and criticized. Men who are family oriented are looked at as being "whipped" or no longer in control of their own lives. 
As the number of solid and complete families diminishes, so does the integrity and good will of man. Children are no longer being taught how to play with others or to accept those who are different than them. They aren't being taught what it is like to have two loving and supportive parents who take care of and provide for them. There are a lot of problems that can be solved if we were to focus on building up and supporting families rather then scrutinizing them for challenging the current ways of the world. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Being Made Weak So We Made Be Made Strong

In the 2nd book of Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 it mentions that we will be given weakness so that we can be made strong. This is a topic that I feel many people struggle with including myself. When bad things happen and our faith is tested, we often ask "why me?" As a result of personal experience, I have found that we are given challenges and bad things, so that we may come out the other side a stronger and better person. So instead of cursing God and asking "why me" ask, "what am I supposed to learn from this?" or "who am I supposed to come?"
A crisis of faith is often a subject of movies and television shows to show the progression of characters. It is also know as the hero cycle. The hero, or main character, is living it up. They are a perfect life where everything is good. Until, everything comes crashing down and they are humbled or shunned and have to leave their home. Then comes the quest to return home and show who they really are. We are all the heroes of our own story. When life gets us down and our perfect world has crumbled before us, remember, Simba ate bugs, Hercules was bullied, and even Iron Man once relied on a car battery to keep his heart from being sliced by the shrapnel that his company created. We are all on our own journey to finding who we are and who we are meant to be. 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Keeping to ourselves while being kind

In the 1st of Thessalonians, we are taught that we shouldn't worry about what those around us are doing with their lives. What we should be doing, is leading good and faithful lives of our own while being kind to our fellow man. This does have a catch though. If we know of someone who is causing harm to another living being, such as abusing an animal or child, then we need to speak up, but if your neighbor plays video games on Sunday when you don't, leave it be. Don't chastise your neighbor for practicing their agency.
We live in a world that is filled with hate and offense so much so that I feel that we need to strive and put in an insane amount of effort to just be nice to people and to mind our own business. Despite the popular belief of the political and social worlds, it is possible to keep to ourselves while being nice to others. 
Although I am a practicing member of the LDS church, I do not believe that I am better than anyone else and I definitely don't think that hating those who do not believe or live the way we do is appropriate. I can love and be kind to those who do not share the same values and lifestyle as I do. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

What I have Learned Part 4

There tends to be a lot of pressure put on grades. In high school, we had to have the best grades ever in order to get into college and now that we are in college there is a lot of pressure to get good grades to impress potential employers and graduate school advisors. I admit it, I am one of those people who worries about getting good grades. Are we so stressed out about a grade that we miss the information that we could be learning? Since my major is Marriage and Family, how can we relate this concept to the family?
Simple, instead of being so focused on having well-behaved children and an immaculate house, focus on what you can learn by letting your kids be kids. What do you think you could learn by focusing on teaching principles and self-mastery rather than behavior? The Family: A Proclamation to the World teaches us that "Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities" (Para, 7).  I have learned that many different examples of bad behavior can be fixed by simply loving and respecting your child. The greatest way to teach is to lead by example. 
All I have ever wanted to be is a mother and I am more than excited to see what I learn from the amazing experience that being a mother is.  I have learned so much in the last year and I am looking forward to what the year brings and to marrying the man of my dreams. 

What I have Learned Part 3

There are many things that I have learned outside of the classroom. Living with roommates who start out as complete strangers is not an easy act. We all come different places and different backgrounds. Add in the ups and downs that are the emotional rollercoaster of being a girl, to being in an apartment with five other girls can be unbearable. I have learned a lot about patience and selflessness.
I have been trying to relate everything that I experience to the family. So, how can I relate student living to a family?  The experience of living with five other girls is very similar to family life. We have to communicate and have respect for each other. We have to set and live by boundaries. Since The Family: A Proclamation to the World was first read in 1995 we have read and lived by its guidelines. One of those guidelines is "Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ" (Para. 7).  When we live our lives by the teachings of Christ, we will be able to have harmony in our homes and yes, even in the six person apartment that we share with five other girls. Eventhough my roommate drive me absolutley crazy sometimes, I still strive to love them and to be patient. They have their struggles too, and I am positive that I am not the easiest person to live with. I honestly feel that living with roommates the last two years has definatly helped prepare me for marriage. I have learned a lot from the crazy girls that I have shared a home with for 14 weeks every semester.