Wednesday, April 4, 2018

All you need to do is ASK

In my studies this week, I came across the well-known scripture found in James chapter 1 verse 5. This scripture really stood out to me in that it doesn't matter who we are or where we came from, we could be the president, king, or average Joe and still this scripture applies to us. If there is anything that we desire to know, all we need to do is ask in a polite and sincere manner.
This principle applies to more than just gospel or religious knowledge. If you want to know how someone got injured or how they acquired the cool scar on their arms, all you have to do is ask politely and most of the time they will tell you what you seek. It all depends on how we are asking for the desired information. When we inquire with respect for the other person we are showing them that we are curious and not judgmental or rude.
How we ask the simple questions in life can determine how we respond to the answers that we are given.