Sunday, May 14, 2017

To my Mother

I have talked previously about mothers and the sacrifices that they make for each of their kids. With Mother's day fast approaching I would like to talk about my own mother. She is amazing. I admire her strength, determination, and willpower. After everything that has occurred in her life, she is still going strong. Not once has she wavered or even thought of giving up. She is my role model and the greatest example of what it takes to choose the happy life that I have ever seen.
I do not have the words to describe what she means to me. I also do not have the capability to express the gratification and appreciation that she deserves. She gave up her education and herself to take care of my brothers. sisters, and me. I will never be able to repay her for what she has given me.
I have spent many ours thinking about what to get this amazing woman for Mother's day. I came to the conclusion that there is nothing in the material world that will adequately express my gratitude for her. Even now that I am grown and living on my own, she continues to take care of me. She is always telling me not worry because "your momma will take care of it." I do not know what I would do if I was living in a world where she did not exist.

So, to my mother,
               Thank you for all that you do for me even though I am old enough to take care myself. Thank you for teaching me what it means to sacrifice for your children. Thank you for striving to make sure we were all happy and healthy. I know I did not make things easy for you and I am sure that there were moments where you wanted to throw in the towel, but you never did. You stood by me during my toughest trials and you suffered with me through them. Since the day that I was born, I have never been alone. You taught me how to love, learn, and grow. You taught me how to fight and how to choose to be happy. you taught me how to live the life that I was given and how to love it. So mom, as we continue to plan and prepare for my upcoming wedding, remember that I will always be your little girl, and I will always need my mom. I love you, mom!!