Thursday, April 27, 2017

This Little Rose Plant

At the beginning of the year, my wonderful fiance bought me a miniature rose plant. We went to the greenhouse on our college campus and I picked it out. When he handed it to me he said " This plant is a symbol of our love, don't let it die" No pressure right? I don't have a green thumb! Over the last several months, it has been a challenge to take care of this plant. At first, it was easy. It bloomed and was really pretty, but then it went dormant and stopped growing. I had to think of new ways to bring this plant to life again. As the weather started to change from a harsh cold winter to a nice sunny spring and I was watering and caring for this little plant, things were looking up. My little plant had started to grow. Then, I moved. My little plant did not like moving. When I got into my new apartment this little plant was looking pretty sad. I thought that some time outside would do it some good. I was wrong. The day that I decided to set this plant outside, it hailed and then snowed, and then hailed some more. Needless to say, spending time outside did not do this plant some good or so I thought. My little plant turned yellow and some of the leaves have fallen off. I brought it inside and have it sitting under the window in my room. It has started to perk up and even has a little rose bud! I didn't kill it by putting it outside! Putting it outside in the harsh weather probably made it a little stronger.
When I really think about it, this little rose bush is very similar to my relationship. When you first start a relationship things are great and going smoothly, your learning everything that you can and love is blooming. Then you come to a stand still and things aren't as magical as they once were, your relationship has stopped growing. What do you do? Keep going of course! Take care of your relationship do everything that you can. There are going to be set backs. Someone says or does something that the other doesn't like or agree with or feelings get hurt. I have learned that even though there are going to be moments when you get hailed and snowed on, you keep trying. As you work through the harsh weather of life, you will learn how to make it through and to how to come out stronger. These are the moments that will allow you to bloom. I have come to love my little rose plant and I have come to love my fiance even more.